
Everyone has the #COURAGE to change their health & fitness.

I’ve been a quitter all my life. The only thing I never quit at was fitness. I quit everything because I lacked courage to continue because I’m afraid to try and face change.

Now it’s my goal for each and every one of you to find your #COURAGE. I’m aiming to help everyone be more confident in themselves. I want everyone to feel the joy that I feel through exercise.

I hope to achieve this through my gym.

I love God, my wife, family, exercise, helping people, video games and sports.

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Raion Fitness is a co-owned health and weight loss bootcamp founded in January 2015 from our basement.

My one word is #COURAGE. What this means to me is that you have to try. If you don't try you won't know what you're capable of achieving. When you do try, you're going to face change. You won't see change until you embrace it. Ultimately this courage will develop your inner strength needed to crush your goals. 

I've been a quitter all of my life. Working out is the only thing that I haven't quit at. When things got hard in school I would quit or mentally check out from it. I never really cared for trying at anything because I didn't see the reason to. I lacked courage to try because I am afraid of change.

My personal goal is for each and every single one of you to find your inner courage to embrace change in your body that you've wanted for so long. I truly believe that everyone can make a change in their health & fitness. My goal for Raion Fitness is the exact same. This is the venue that I chose to help people find their #COURAGE. 

I'm a newly wed as of July 2017. I would like to have 2 children of my own one day. I would also do anything to help my children in the future find their #COURAGE to try, face change and develop their inner strength. This is why I started this gym. I found my #COURAGE in the gym through exercise. I used to be really skinny, physically weak, frail, unhealthy, had aches and pains, inactive, wasn't confident in my own skin, lacked motivation and dedication and felt terrible overall. Through exercise, I became more comfortable in my own skin, confident about my body, felt good about my body, having more energy, learned what it takes to have discipline, dedication and not feel physically weak or frail. Exercise has changed my life and I would want everyone to feel the joy I got when I felt the #COURAGE to try, face change and develop strength. 

We will never forget our very first client that came to bootcamp: Peri Sygounas. Thank you Peri. And to the rest of the people that joined after that, spread the name and referred their friends to us. We cannot thank you enough for your love and support. We are truly humbled.

Since that day, we have expanded to our own facility with over 100 members across Canada - yet our roots remain the same. We pride ourselves in developing courage in our clients so that they believe in themselves that they can change their health. This is important to us because you can go anywhere to get fit, you can even do it on your own. But nowhere will you develop courage to change. We imagine a world where people no longer look down on themselves because of how their body is. Instead have the strength to embrace their body the way it is. A world where people no longer need a weight loss coach. We teach and educate everyone on how to be self sufficient so they do not need to rely on us or another coach or a gym because they can do it on their own. It's also about the relationships that we build with our clients that we will always cherish.  When you join us, you become part of our family. And families never turn their backs on each other or tries to take advantage of each other. We genuinely care about the well-being of every person at our bootcamp. Wanting people to succeed, feel appreciated, valued and loved - because at the end of the day, we take it personally. All of it! 

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